ホーム / 略号一覧
略号 | 正式名 | 日本語名 |
3G | 3rd Generation | 第三世代携帯電話方式 |
3GPP | 3rd Generation Partnership Project | |
A/D | Analog to Digital (Conversion) | A/D(変換) |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding | |
AAL1 | ATM Adaptation Layer 1 | |
AAL2 | ATM Adaptation Layer 2 | |
AAL5 | ATM Adaptation Layer 5 | |
ABNF | Augmented Backus-Naur Form | |
ACELP | Algebraic CELP | |
ACF | Admissions Confirm | |
ACK | ACKnowledgement | 肯定応答 |
ADPCM | Adaptive DPCM | |
AEC | Acoustic Echo Canceller | 音響エコーキャンセラ |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | |
AL | Adaptation Layer | |
ALG | Application Layer Gateway, Application Level Gateway | |
AM | Amplitude Modulation | 振幅変調 |
AMR | Adaptive Multi-Rate | |
AMR-WB | AMR-WideBand | |
AOT | Audio Object Type | |
APO | Australian Post Office | |
APU | Audio Processor Unit | |
ARIB | Association of Radio Industries and Businesses | 一般社団法人 電波産業会 |
ARJ | Admissions Reject | |
ARQ | Admissions Request | |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One | 抽象構文記法1 |
AT&T | The American Telephone & Telegraph Company | 米国電話電信会社 |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | 非同期転送モード |
AVC | Advanced Video Coding | 高度映像符号化 |
B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN | 広帯域ISDN |
B2BUA | Back-to-Back User Agent | |
BAS | Bit-rate Allocation Signal | ビットレート割り当て信号 |
BFCP | Binary Floor Control Protocol | |
BIFS | BInary Format for Scene | |
BML | Broadcast Markup Language | 放送用マークアップ言語 |
BS | Broadcasting Satellite | 放送衛星 |
BSTJ | Bell System Technical Journal | |
BT | British Telecommunications plc | 英国通信会社 |
BWA | Broadband Wireless Access | |
BWE | BandWidth Extension | |
C&I | Control and Indication | 制御・表示 |
CA | Certificate Authority | 認証局 |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining | |
CC | CSRC Count | |
CCITT | International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee | 国際電信電話諮問委員会 |
CCTV | Closed-Circuit TeleVision | 閉会路テレビジョン |
CD | Compact Disc | コンパクトディスク |
CELP | Code Excited Linear Prediction | 符号励振線形予測 |
CEPT | European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations | 欧州郵便電気通信主管庁会議,CEPTはフランス語表記の頭文字による |
CIC | Chair-control Indicate Capability | |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format | 共通中間フォーマット |
codec | coder/decoder | 符号化・復号装置,コーデック |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | 中央処理装置,中央演算処理装置 |
CPU | Control Processor Unit | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | 巡回冗長検査 |
CRT | Cathode-Ray Tube | ブラウン管,陰極線管 |
CS | Call Signalling | |
CS | Communication Satellite | 通信衛星 |
CS-ACELP | Conjugate-Structure ACELP | |
CSRC | Contributing SouRCe | |
D/A | Digital to Analog (Conversion) | D/A(変換) |
DCT | Discrete Cosine Transform | 離散コサイン変換 |
DES | Data Encryption Standard | |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DLL | Data Link Layer | |
DNS | Domain Name System | ドメイン名前解決システム |
DoS | Denial of Service | |
DPCM | Differential Pulse Code Modulation | 差分PCM |
DPU | Data Processor Unit | |
DSCQS | Double-Stimulus Continuous Quality-Scale | 二重刺激連続品質尺度 |
DSIS | Double Stimulus Impairment Scale | 二重刺激妨害尺度 |
DSS1 | Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. 1 | |
DTMF | Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency | |
DTS | Decoding Time Stamp | |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc | |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union | 欧州放送連合 |
ECS | Encryption Control Signal | |
ELD | Enhanced Low Delay | |
EOFB | Enhanced OFB | |
EP | EndPoint | |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute | 欧州電気通信標準化協会 |
EVS | Enhanced Voice Services | |
FAS | Frame Alignment Signal | フレーム同期信号 |
FCS | Frame Check Sequence | |
FEAL | Fast data Encipherment ALgorithm | |
FECC | Far End Camera Control | 遠隔カメラ制御 |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transform | |
FLVQ | Fuzzy Learning Vector Quantization | |
FM | Frequency Modulation | 周波数変調 |
FOMA | Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access | |
FTTH | Fiber To The Home | |
FW | FireWall | |
GCF | Gatekeeper Confirm | |
GEF | Generic Extensible Framework | |
GK | Gatekeeper | |
GRJ | Gatekeeper Reject | |
GRQ | Gatekeeper Request | |
GSM | Global System for Mobile communications | |
GSTN | General Switched Telephone Network | 一般交換電話網 |
GW | Gateway | ゲートウェイ |
HDLC | High-level Data Link Control | |
HDMI | High-Definition Multimedia Interface | 高精細度マルチメディアインターフェース |
HDTV | High Definition TeleVision | 高精細テレビ |
HE-AAC | High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding | |
HEC | Header Error Control | |
HEVC | High Efficiency Video Coding | 高能率映像符号化 |
HM | HEVC Test Model | |
HMAC | Hashed Message Authentication Code | |
HSD | High Speed Data | |
HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol | ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル |
HVAC | Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning | 冷暖房空調設備 |
IA5 | International Alphabet 5 | |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | アイアナ |
ICE | Interactive Connectivity Establishment | |
ID | IDentifier | 識別子 |
IDCT | Inverse DCT | 逆離散コサイン変換 |
IE | Information Element | 情報要素 |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | 国際電気標準会議 |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | 米国電気電子技術者協会 |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | インターネット技術標準化委員会 |
iLBC | Internet Low Bit rate Codec | |
IMTC | International Multimedia Telecommunications Consortium | |
IP | Internet Protocol | |
IPsec | IPSecurity | |
IPX | Internetwork Packet eXchange | Novell社ネットワーク層プロトコル |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association | |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | サービス総合ディジタル通信網 |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization | 国際標準化機構 |
ISUP | ISDN User Parts of Signalling System number 7 | |
ITS | International Teleconference Symposium | テレコンファレンスに関する国際シンポジウム |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union | 国際電気通信連合 |
ITU-R | ITU Radiocommunication Sector | 国際電気通信連合無線通信部門 |
ITU-T | ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector | 国際電気通信連合電気通信標準化部門 |
JM | Joint Model | |
JTC | Joint Technical Committee | 合同技術委員会 |
LAN | Local Area Network | |
LC | Low Complexity | |
LCF | Location Confirm | |
LCS | Logical Channel Signaling | |
LCSE | Logical Channel Signaling Entity | |
LD | Low Delay | |
LD-CELP | Low Delay CELP | |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | |
LDIF | LDAP Data Interchange Format | |
LP-MDCT | Linear Prediction - MDCT | |
LPC | Linear Predictive Coding | |
LPF | Low Pass Filter | 低域通過フィルタ |
LRJ | Location Reject | |
LRQ | Location Request | |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | |
LSD | Low Speed Data | |
LSF | Low Sampling Frequency | |
MC | Multiplex Code | |
MC | Motion Compensated interframe prediction | 動き補償フレーム間予測 |
MC | Multipoint Controller | |
MCC | Multipoint Command Conference | |
MCU | Multipoint Control Unit | 多地点通信制御装置,多地点接続装置とも呼ぶ |
MCV | Multipoint Command Visualization-forcing | |
MDCT | Modified Discrete Cosine Transform | 修正離散コサイン変換, 変形離散コサイン変換 |
MIB | Management Information Base | 管理情報ベース |
MIKEY | Multimedia Internet Keying | |
MIZ | Multipoint Indication Zero-communication | |
MLPP | Multi-level Precedence and Preemption | |
MLT | Modulated Lapped Transform | |
MP | Multipoint Processor | |
MP3 | MPEG Audio Layer III | |
MP-MLQ | Multi-Pulse Maximum Likelihood Quantization | |
MPEG | Moving Picture Coding Experts Group | |
MPEG LA | MPEG Licensing Administrator | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | |
MSD | Master Slave Determination | |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit | 最大伝送単位 |
MVP | Most Valuable Player | 最高殊勲選手 |
N-ISDN | Narrowband Integrated Digital Service Network | |
NACK | Negative ACKnowledgement | 否定応答 |
NAL | Network Abstraction Layer | ネットワーク抽象レイヤ |
NAT | Network Address Translation | |
NGN | Next Generation Network | 次世代ネットワーク |
NHK | Nippon Hoso Kyokai | 日本放送協会(英語表記はJapan Broadcasting Corporation) |
NICT | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | 独立行政法人情報通信研究機構 |
NSS | Narrowband Signalling Syntax | |
NTSC | National Television System Committee | 全米テレビジョン放送方式標準化委員会 |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | |
NTT | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation | 日本電信電話株式会社(旧日本電信電話公社) |
OFB | Output FeedBack | |
OHP | OverHead Projector | |
OID | Object IDentifier | |
OLC | Open Logical Channel | |
PAL | Phase Alternation by Line | |
PAT | Program Association Table | |
PBX | Private Branch eXchange | |
PC | Personal Computer | パソコン |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation | パルス符号変調 |
PCR | Program Clock Reference | |
Portable Document Format | ||
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | |
PES | Packetized Elementary Stream | |
PHS | Personal Handyphone System | |
PID | Packet IDentifier | |
PM | Packet Marker | |
PMT | Program Map Table | |
PPS | Picture Parameter Set | |
PS | Program Stream | プログラム・ストリーム |
PS | Parametric Stereo | |
PSI | Program Specific Information | |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network | 公衆電話交換網 |
PT | Payload Type | |
PTS | Presentation Time Stamp | |
PTZ | Pan, Tilt, Zoom | |
PTZF | PTZ, Focus | |
QCIF | Quarter Common Intermediate Format | |
QoS | Quality of Service | サービス品質 |
QSIG | Signalling between the Q reference points | |
RAS | Registration, Admission, and Status | |
RBVS | Role-Based Video Streams | |
RCDO | Reduced-Complexity Decoding Operation | |
RCF | Registration Confirm | |
RFC | Request For Comments | |
RM | Reference Model | |
RR | Receiver Report | |
RRQ | Registration Request | |
RT | Reverberation Time | 残響時間 |
RTCP | RTP Control Protocol | |
RTP | Real-time Transport Protocol | リアルタイム・データ転送プロトコル |
RTSP | Real Time Streaming Protocol | |
SAO | Sample Adaptive Offset | |
SBC | Session Border Controller | |
SBR | Spectral Band Replication | |
SC | Sub Committee | |
SCAL | SCALable | |
SCC | Screen Content Coding | |
SCI | Service Control Indication | |
SCM | Selected Communication Mode | |
SCR | System Clock Reference | |
SCR | Service Control Response | |
SCTP | Stream Control Transmission Protocol | |
SDL | Specification and Description Language | |
SDP | Session Description Protocol | セッション記述プロトコル |
SDTV | Standard Definition TeleVision | 標準解像度テレビ |
SDU | Service Data Unit | |
SECAM | Séquentiel Couleur À Mémoire | |
SEI | Supplemental Enhancement Information | |
SET | Simple Endpoint Types | 単機能端末 |
SG | Study Group | 研究委員会 |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm | |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol | |
SM | Simulation Model | |
SMPTE | Society for Motion Picture and Television Engineers | 米国映画テレビ技術者協会 |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio | 信号対雑音比 |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | |
SPS | Sequence Parameter Set | |
SPX | Sequenced Packet Exchange | |
SR | Sender Report | |
SRTCP | SRTP Control Protocol | |
SRTP | Secure Real-time Transport Protocol | |
SS7 | Signalling System No.7 | |
SSRC | Synchronization SouRCe | |
STC | System Time Clock | |
STUN | Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (RFC 5389), Simple Traversal UDP through NAT (RFC 3489) | |
SVC | Scalable Video Coding | スケーラブル映像符号化,階層映像符号化 |
TCP | Transport Control Protocol | 伝送制御プロトコル |
TCS | Terminal Capability Set | |
TD BWE | Time Domain BWE | |
TDAC | Time Domain Aliasing Cancellation | |
TDEA | Triple Data Encryption Algorithm | |
TIA | Terminal Indicate Assignment | |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | |
TM | Test Model | |
TMN | Test Model Near (term) | |
TNS | Temporal Nose Shaping | |
TPKT | TPDU Packet | |
TPDU | Transport Protocol Data Unit | |
TS | Transport Stream | トランスポート・ストリーム |
TS | Traversal Server | |
TTC | The Telecommunication Technology Committee | 情報通信技術委員会 |
TURN | Traversal Using Relays around NAT | |
UA | User Agent | |
UC | Unified Communication | |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol | ユーザ・データグラム・プロトコル |
UHDTV | Ultra-High Definition TeleVision | 超高精細テレビ |
UI | Unnumbered Information | |
UNI | User-Network Interface | ユーザ・網インタフェース |
UPnP | Universal Plug and Play | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
UUID | Universally Unique IDentifier | |
UUIE | User - User Information Element | |
V | Version | 版 |
VCB | Video Command Broadcast | |
VCL | Video Coding Layer | |
VCS | Video Command Select | |
VHS | Video Home System | ビデオホームシステム |
VIA | Video Indicate Active | |
VIC | Video Indicate Compose | |
VIN | Video Indicate Number | |
VIS | Video Indicate Suppressed | |
VLC | Variable Length Coding (Code) -- 可変長符号化(符号) | |
VM | Verification Model | |
VoIP | Voice over IP | IP電話 |
VoLTE | Voice over Long Term Evolution | |
VPU | Video Processor Unit | |
VQ | Vector Quantization | ベクトル量子化 |
VSB | Vestigial SideBand | 残留側波帯 |
W3C | The World Wide Web Consortium | |
WWW | World Wide Web | |
XML | eXtensible Markup Language | 拡張可能なマークアップ言語 |